Group photo project
Wedding reception helpers
This month’s photograph was contributed to our archive by John Lofthouse, whose
mother appears on it.
He tells us that it was taken at Farnhill Methodist Church – it looks like the
entrance to the hall on the lower ground floor – and shows a group of ladies who
helped out at Marion Brown’s wedding reception.
Sadly, no one’s been able to put a date to this photograph, and we’re missing two
of the names .
Mrs. ?
About the “Group photographs project”
A number of group photographs have been contributed to our archive with very
little information attached to them. The aim of this project is to capture as much
detail as we can from those who might remember the events and people shown.
For this photograph, our team of “identifiers” included: John Lofthouse, Jill
Ideson, Rosemary Hargreaves, Margaret Steptoe, Christine Whiteoak, Ruth Ward,
Enga Preston.
We are very grateful to all of these people for their help.
Can you help ?
Do you know any of the missing names on this photograph or do you have any
other group photographs from Kildwick or Farnhill. If so, please contact us at